The scheme of physical and Health education is planned as to ensure the fullest and manifold development of the individuality of the child, enabling him to attain mental soundness, emotional stability, physical maturity and moral values. Games and Sports are organized in such a way us to ensure participation by all students at the same time students take part in the following games: Football, Basketball, and volleyball, according to season and indoor games like Badminton, carom, TAEKWONDO etc.


The school has a system of continuous evaluation. There are class tests, unit test & terminal tests and promotion to the next class depends on the cumulative academic achievement of the students at the end of the year.

Extra Classes

Though academically proficient students receive encouragement to achieve the highest, the school recognizes the importance of paying special attention to students who are academically not very bright Extra study periods are provided for such students whenever considered necessary.


The school library is the most up-to-date. It covers many volumes on various subjects, It is also well equipped with reference books apart from encyclopedias, yearbooks, manuals, directories gazetteers, atlases etc. Students can visit library regularly to upgrade their knowledge.

Day Boarding

This year our school has introduced Day Boarding facility in the school with a view to give the helping hand to the working parents and groom our students in such a way so that our students can cope up with their future demands in educational and professional fields.

Medical Check-Up

All the students are medically checked up at regular intervals. Their weight & height are recorded at the beginning and end of each term. In case of serious illness, the parents of the students are informed by the school management.


For catering to the need of the students for refreshment a canteen is opened in the school campus. The canteen prorides items like soft drinks, Ice-cream & snacks to the students.